Friday, November 18, 2011

The End

Thank you all for reading! If you wold like to go back to the start of Quinn's story, please click here.

And if you enjoy the style of the illustrations, please check out my gallery here.

In which my adventure concludes

I gave Qual a little tickle in the tummy and sent her on her way. Sorel had moved behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I want in," she said.

"Excuse me?" I asked, surprised.

"Well, there's no way I can fight you, and I figure you couldn't screw up the world any more than it is now."

"That's it? No recriminations about my subversion of free will? No threats to destroy my evil reign of terror?"

Sorel laughed. "It's perverted, but hardly evil. I don't think you have evil in you, Quinn. Or Tama Hama. Or whoever you are."


"Well, Quinn, I'm still Sorel. And I despite everything that happened I'm still the same person who set out on this adventure a month ago. And you know why I joined our little party, right? I wanted power. And while I always assumed I would find it in some dusty manuscript or some glowing relic, I have found it. It's not what I imagined, but it's in you. In us. Quinn, you're about to change the world, and I want to get in on the ground floor."

"Are you sure? Because there are bound to be powers who will try to stop me that we haven't even considered yet."

"It doesn't matter. I like who I am now. I like how I feel now. I like being a woman." She cupped her magnificent breasts which were identical to mine. I really needed to take more time to admire our racks. "What you're doing...well, it's kind of how."

She grabbed me by the hands and looked into my eyes. "But there's more to it, Quinn. Even if you wanted to turn the whole world into donkeys, I would stand by you. I care about you. I love you. I'm so glad it was you that found this power."

And just like that, I had my first follower.



Sorel and I made love for a month. With immortal bodies that needed neither food nor sleep, we could focus on what was really important. Even without using my powers, we could bring each other to heights of bliss and remain in that state for hours. I used my transformative powers to try out some really freaky stuff, adding limbs, sex organs, and even trying sex as entirely new species. Always we came back to the form of the goddess, for in it we found perfection. We could feed off of each other's pleasure, and use it to fuel our own orgasmic joy.

I would have gone on for centuries, but it was Sorel who reminded me that a month had passed. I was curious to see how the world was progressing towards the wonderland I had imagined. Gathering Ev and Aleandra, who had done a great job of rehabilitating the manor over the past month, I closed my eyes and wished us to Viridistan. Viridistan was the largest city in the world. It was about a thousand miles to the west, and it was a major cult center of Tama Hama. Somehow, it seemed fitting.

When I opened my eyes we were there, in the great public square in front of the palace. It was the middle of the day and, as expected, it was crowded with people. But what people! Every single person in sight was a beautiful woman, each so lovely that the old Quinn would have killed just to be in their presence. Each had an angelic face, a slender, lithe figure, and impossibly large and round breasts. Most were human, but I also saw all varieties of elves, some cat-girls, and even a few centaurs. Mermaids frolicked in the public fountains. Several fairies buzzed about, each identical to the form I had given Qual, sprinkling dust which would ensure these beauties would stay young, healthy and gorgeous forever. And everywhere I looked, these lovelies showed affection to each other. Even as they went about their business, strangers kissed as they passed. Merchants and their clients fondled each other. And there was no taboo against couples making love in the streets. I could feel myself growing aroused at the sight of my earthly paradise.

But then everything seemed to stop as the throng grew aware of my presence. They knew me for what I was, and they bowed to me. The busiest city in the world grew quiet, awaiting my proclamation. I amplified my voice and addressed them.

"People of Viridistan, my people, you please me with your beauty. Now please me with your bodies and your lust. Your pleasure will be my power, and my power will be your eternal joy. Today is a day of celebration!"

And with those words, strangers fell upon each other in a mob of passion. A city of sixty thousand became one giant orgy. Ev and Aleandra were going at it at my feet, and Sorel embraced me from behind, grabbing my nipples and nibbling my ear.

It was good to be the goddess.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Qual's new form

You know, I never cared much for dwarves. Qual is much better as a sexy pixie.

In which I improve a dwarf, and lay my plans for the world

"Qual, give it up. You know you can't win," I said, as calmly as I could. I was always quick on my feet. With my apotheosis, Qual's swings seemed to come in slow-motion. I could have turned his axe to a swarm of butterflies, I could have changed Qual's mind for him, but I wanted this to play out. One willing convert would have been nice. All I had to do was step out of the way of what looked like lazy, slow swings of Qual's axe.

"Then I shall make a statement!" Qual said boldly. "I shall go down swinging against evil incarnate."

I sighed. There was just no pleasing some people. I decided to emply some of my power, so that with each swing of his weapon, Qual became smaller and slighter. A swing at my head, and he was suddenly too small for his armor. breastplate and greaves fell clattering to the floor. Another swipe at my midsection, and Qual's midesction clenched in while his hips flared out. His loincloth hung limply over where his member used to be. A final desperate attempt to cleave me in two saw two round, firm breasts appear on his chest and his facial features turn dainty and feminine. Now too frail to hold his axe anymore, Qual dropped his weapon and fell to his knees, sobbing. He, or rather she, was barely a foot tall. I picked the former dwarf up and cradled her in my arms.

"You monster!" she said through her tears, her voice little more than a squeak.

"There, there," I replied, stroking Qual like a doll. Within seconds, Qual was soothed, Exhausted, she fell limp in my grasp. I offered a nipple to her, and she began to suck. I let some of my milk flow into her thristing mouth. At least, i think it was milk. It was like I was giving her some of my essence as nourishment. I stroked her back as she drank, and two gossamer wings grew from her shoulderbaldes. Her limbs grew even more delicate, and in minutes Qual had completed her transformation into a pixie, albeit one that appeared topheavy with melon-sized breasts, were she normal height.

"Wake up my little fairy," I said, and Qual looked up at me, trusting and adoring. "Feel what it is like to fly."

Qual stretched her wings tentatively, then leapt into the air. She squealed with joy, and was soon looping and swooshing around our little group. Everywhere she flew, little gold sparkles drifted to the ground.

"So what's with the pixie dust?" Sorel asked. She had been quiet through the whole battle with Qual.

"It's Qual's way of delivering my blessing. Wherever it lands on plants, or in water, or on feed for livestock, it will transform any humanoid who partakes of it."

"So she's going to change the world, one village at a time, into your lesbian playground?"

"Faster, actually," I said. "When I reshaped Qual, I made her pregnant. Soon she will lay a thousand eggs. Her daughters will spread out over the earth. The world should be changed to meet my desire in...twenty-seven days." Higher math was so much easier with a divine intellect.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In which I give Qual the option to improve himself

There was no way Qual could have hurt me, of course. My reflexes were too quick, my senses too sharp, my power too strong. Even if he had landed a blow, I would have healed instantly. No, he attacked me to prove a point. I'm pretty sure the point he was making is that he's a big dick.

I mean, think about it. I get near-infinite power. I could obliterate everything in the world and start over. But no, I keep things exactly as they are, only with a lot more big-boobed horny lesbians. What's not to like? Clearly, I had to teach Qual a lesson.

He had frozen in mid stride, his axe raised over his head, hatred glaring in his eyes. I could tell that the bear-spirit was simmering in him.

"Look, Qual. I get it. You're a violent person, and you think I'm one of the bad guys now," I said. "But you're going to have to cool it, now. I'm going to let you talk---"

As soon as I released his mouth from the spell, he began swearing at me in Dwarven. Apparently I understood all languages, now, and I have to admit feeling a ittle irritated at the words he uused to describe me. Still I kept my cool. And I shut him up until I was done.

"I'm going to let you talk, so I can get the answer to my question. Would you rather fight it out, which would be rather futile and frustrating from your point of view, or would you like to share a kiss with Ev and Aliandra, so that you could become their twin, or triplet? Whatever."

"You cross-dressing bastard! I'll die before I join your harem!" he spat.

I sighed. I sort of knew this would happen.

Monday, November 14, 2011

In which I almost make headway

While we were talking, Qual was slowly piecing himself together. Once more, he resembled a dwarf, albeit a battered and bloody one. He surveyed the scene before him, with Ev and Aliandra making out uncontrollably on the floor. He moaned and tried to reach for his weapon, but he was still too weak.

Sorel continued with her harangue. "Quinn, you just can't fuck with people's lives like this."

"I beg to differ I said." I had always heard how remote gods were for mortal morality. I had no idea I could change my values so fast. Yet, try as I might, I had a hard time seeing how I had any obligation to return things to the way they were. I had the opportunity to turn the Wilderlands into an erotic earthly paradise. I was not about to blow my chance.

"What makes you so different than the monsters we fight, then?" Sorel challenged. It was kind of cute, the way she stood up to me, but I was not going to tolerate it forever.

"I'm a hell of a lot stronger, for starters," I said, smiling slightly. So what if Sorel didn't get the joke. "And I'm trying to bring pleasure. It may not fit your rainbow-and-unicorn vision of what happiness should be, but Tama Hama is not a rainbow-and-unicorn kind of goddess. Would you rather the lich had this kind of power? What kind of world would he create?"

"You're missing the point," Sorel says, her lips tight.

"No, you're missing the point. Ask Aliandra and Ev if they want to go back to the way things are."

"Fine," she says, "I will. Ev? Aliandra? Um, mind if I interrupt a minute?" The amazon twins looked up from their lip-lock, but their hands remained roving over each others' bodies. They continued to shudder as orgasm after orgasm rocked them.

Sorel drew a breath. "Guys, Quinn said taht she will return you to the way you are, but you have to ask for it. Please, forget about the sex for just a minute, and try to concentrate on what's right. Please?"

The amazons stared at Sorel uncomprehendingly. "But it feels so good," one said.

"We want to continue like this forever," the other added.

"Try it. You'll agree. Quinn can bring us all to paradise, if you let her."

Sorel looked at me. She seemed helpless. She knew she could do nothing to stop me, but she was terrified of what I would do next.

I embraced her. "I won't do anything to you," I promised. "I want you to choose me freely. But give it time. Trust me."

Sorel looked at me, wanting to trust me, but something held her back. She trembled as tears filled her eyes.

Then Qual rushed at me with an axe, and everything went to hell.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My new look for Ev and Aliandra

Honestly, the Amazon look just wasn't doing it for me as far as Ev and Aliandra were concerned. I changed them into something closer to my ideal. They have become my missionaries. Anyone they kiss will become identical to them in every way, including their desire to change as many people into my servants as possible.

And they call me evil...